Climate Change Conundrum - Invest Now or Later?
My Question this Week
My Views this Week
2. Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, authorised US$369 billion for climate and clean energy projects
3. Yvon Chouinard gave away his company Patagonia for environmental causes
4. President Lula, strongly opposed to Amazonian deforestation takes over in Brazil
7. Modhera in Gujarat becomes India’s first fully solar-powered village
9. Youth make their presence felt in COP27
My News this Week
Genetically modified hens will only give female chicks
Delhi’s winter pollution levels reduce Oct and Nov
20,000 mangrove trees cut to make way for bullet train
Cyclone Mandous triggers unusually heavy rains
India targeting 1 million people to help reduce climate change
Smoke in Delhi from farm fires lowest in 4 years
Kerala to become 100% RE-powered by 2040
Tamil Nadu forms special teams to check illegal waste dumping
UN identifies topmost initiatives that are changing the world
My Reports this Week
Climate Change in the Indian Mind
Extreme Weather Event News this Week
Kenya, Somalia, Chennai, Andhra Pradesh, Earth, India, Africa